the beginning of the report, the question was asked, “how did UPS achieve this
success?” Through this report, we can see through their information system and
innovations, UPS became the largest package delivery company. Everything that
was done by UPS always had the theme of being aligned with their competitive
strategy. Whether it was additional services that was added to UPS to
differentiate itself from their competitors to the ties UPS grew with their
customer, making it too costly to switch to another competitor, UPS always
shows this commitment to their strategy. UPS knows that if it would change
immediately and be concerned with only cost savings and being the cheapest
service out in the market, their customers would be in an uproar because UPS established
itself as a company that provide the best service.
Along with always following the theme
of every move has to align to their strategy, UPS demonstrates through their
operations, how they were able to become as successful as they were. In this
report, we wrote about the order fulfillment process and how within this great
process, lies different smaller processes that specialize within each
department like customer service and inbound logistics. Yet, we see that these
different processes do not result in silos or any type of damages that come
from duplicating data because UPS shares an ERP database that combines all the
data together. This is necessary for the company because much of UPS’s success
came from the database that helps data be available in every department to
those who have access to it.
We can see that UPS gained it
success from innovations and their information system. Although innovation was
thoroughly discussed in the Recommendation section, we cannot forget about the
significance UPS information system has. Everything within in company follows
the information system from the common employee that only does labor work to
the most sophisticated piece of technology that was just purchased, the
information system dictates everything.
UPS’s IS sets the structure that of how the company exists, if it would
be compared to the human body then the IS would be the brain. Just like the
mind of the body, the information system is so crucial to UPS that without it,
it wouldn’t be able to operate or function because controls what the body does.
Its significance has a high value which contributes a lot to the success of