
In the beginning of the report, the question was asked, “how did UPS achieve this success?” Through this report, we can see through their information system and innovations, UPS became the largest package delivery company. Everything that was done by UPS always had the theme of being aligned with their competitive strategy. Whether it was additional services that was added to UPS to differentiate itself from their competitors to the ties UPS grew with their customer, making it too costly to switch to another competitor, UPS always shows this commitment to their strategy. UPS knows that if it would change immediately and be concerned with only cost savings and being the cheapest service out in the market, their customers would be in an uproar because UPS established itself as a company that provide the best service.

            Along with always following the theme of every move has to align to their strategy, UPS demonstrates through their operations, how they were able to become as successful as they were. In this report, we wrote about the order fulfillment process and how within this great process, lies different smaller processes that specialize within each department like customer service and inbound logistics. Yet, we see that these different processes do not result in silos or any type of damages that come from duplicating data because UPS shares an ERP database that combines all the data together. This is necessary for the company because much of UPS’s success came from the database that helps data be available in every department to those who have access to it.

            We can see that UPS gained it success from innovations and their information system. Although innovation was thoroughly discussed in the Recommendation section, we cannot forget about the significance UPS information system has. Everything within in company follows the information system from the common employee that only does labor work to the most sophisticated piece of technology that was just purchased, the information system dictates everything.  UPS’s IS sets the structure that of how the company exists, if it would be compared to the human body then the IS would be the brain. Just like the mind of the body, the information system is so crucial to UPS that without it, it wouldn’t be able to operate or function because controls what the body does. Its significance has a high value which contributes a lot to the success of UPS.



Team 5 would like to thank Mike Sherry. The UPS Hub Manager of the Edison, NJ Hub for the interview and the information that we needed to complete our status update and ultimately, our final report.

Company Visit Summary

First, I would like to acknowledge Mike Sherry who is a UPS Hub Manager. His qualifications consist of a Masters of Labor and Employment Relations from Rutgers University and 20 years of UPS management experience. The visit took place at UPS in the Edison, NJ Hub. The visit first began by entering the Hub and going through security after receiving clearance to pass from Mike Sherry. When I entered, I met with Mike and asked him to show me the process from beginning to the end. We began with the side on the facility that was for incoming packages from customers or other facilities. From then these packages are separated into different packages, heavy/irregular ones are put to the side until a cart could come and take them and the rest were put on the conveyor belt that went through the whole facility. At the top of the conveyor belt, you observe individuals that separate these packages by destination and priority of date delivered like next day delivery. These are then put into brown trucks that will take them to their destination or other trucks that will go to another facility. Along with the trip, he showed me the technology and process UPS follows. The biggest takeaway from this experience is the structure of a process and the implementation of information system. I felt it was amazing that everything flowed through so smoothly. Although it seems in the outside that only manual labor is performed, this is the complete opposite because you can clearly see that information systems make everything is being performed possible, therefore making it essential.



  1. Witt, C. (2005, April 1). Package Flow Technology at UPS. Retrieved May 03, 2017, from
  2. Interorganizational system. (2016, October 10). Retrieved May 04, 2017, from


Problem Analysis

We have to recall that our competitive strategy is differentiation. UPS has to continuously be innovation in the ways they differentiate themselves. The perfect example is 3D printing. We have this new invention that would be a big threat to UPS business but instead not ignore, UPS accepted it.


For UPS, the recommendation would be to start a department of innovation. A new department that is specialized in market innovations and use tools that help achieve these goals. This department would be effective towards the differentiation strategy of the company that aims towards a broad market. The difference this department would make would be the consistency of fresh ideas instead of a new idea that lasts for a long time, a department that could create new ideas and new processes through the use of social media and new technology using them in different ways then they were intended to this leading UPS to be different from their competitor.

If you are taking a look at the competition in the market now, you could see the difference this recommendation is already making. An instance of these companies is FirstBuild, a online/physical company that dedicates itself to designing, thinking, and producing. If UPS were to outsource FirstBuild this would help with already hiring an established company. This could be an advantage because making a whole new department would be difficult by having to hire new employees, creating the rules, making up the goals, etc. UPS made these changes in the past and if it were to implement this change it would be very successful. 

If you are taking a look at the competition in the market now, you could see the difference this recommendation is already making. An instance of these companies is FirstBuild, a online/physical company that dedicates itself to designing, thinking, and producing. If UPS were to outsource FirstBuild this would help with already hiring an established company. This could be an advantage because making a whole new department would be difficult by having to hire new employees, creating the rules, making up the goals, etc. UPS made these changes in the past and if it were to implement this change it would be very successful.


Value Chain

Inbound Logistics: UPS starts with the packages. There’s a need for packages to be delivered.
It all begins with the orders and packages that are in
need to be delivered. The packages has to either be dropped off at a UPS Customer Center or the customer has to get a smartcode from the UPS website and print out the label, attach to the package, and schedule a pickup time.
  • Small: Envelopes and small packages that are put into baskets.
  • Irregular: Above weight limit packages. Hazardous materials.
  • Regular: Regular six-sided box package
Operation: Those packages go through a process that it follows to land to the desired customer/address. The package then gets picked up if it has a schedule pickup time from the UPS delivery truck. The delivery truck also picks up packages from the UPS Customer Center. These trucks then drive to the Hub. The truck then pulls up into a truck spot that follows by an employee emptying out the trucks. The UPS employee empties the truck and sorts the packages.After the packages leave the truck, and get into the hub; the package gets sorted from that point. There are top sorters on the top main conveyer belt, that directs what way the package will be going to the facility. That’s all determine by what state, then it goes to a specific part of the hub (different colored zone)

Outbound Logistics: The loader then loads the package into a truck that is going into the particular state. This goes into the hub of that state and the process begins again. Except from being placed into another truck, the package would then be placed in a brown truck and directly delivered to the customer.

Sales and Marketing: Sales are enhanced by the good service that UPS provides. The reliability of the speed time of delivery is marketed.

Customer Service: There are other aspects to the business, like customer service, error prevention, and the separation of the date of arrival. When it comes to error prevention, there are times when loaders have human errors and scan the wrong package going to the wrong location. There’s a package monitor in that is notified when the package has been scanned into the wrong going truck. He then goes to that specific truck and gets the package out. Making an error like that would delay the arrival date of the package. Which then leads to poor customer service. Packages are also separated into what the planned arrival date is. If it's next day air, then the package has to go to the zone where it concentrates on next day air, 2 day delivery, etc.

Business Process

Appath: a UPS Ready certified provider with a cloud solution for multichannel e-commerce businesses of all sizes to entirely manage inventory, orders fulfillment, shipping labels and processes, as well as customer service management.

Delivery Information Acquisition Devise (DIAD): a rugged, brown handheld computer retrieves package information and stores signatures so the end customer can claim the package.

WorldShip:  a set of transportation application programming interface allow businesses to integrate tracking, rating, address validation, and a number of other valuable functions into their Web site.

BPR Assessment: The first step to refining your supply chain is to understand where improvements can make a significant difference in performance. We'll run a business process reengineering (BPR) assessment to map the current and desired future state of your supply chain, evaluate current roles and responsibilities, review data to prioritize your path forward, and identify areas for improved performance.

Social Media

UPS sponsors multiple social media providers such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Through these varies social media productsthere able to attract and target demographic groups. With each person posting pictures or twittingtheir experience with the wonderful customer service that UPS provides, this allows othercustomers to want to use UPS over other competition.
Social Capital = Number of Relationships is 2,291,640(1,658,598 FB followers+35,300Instagram followers+172,000 Twitter followers+425,742 followers) * Relationship Strength is2,093,947 (1,711,847 FB Likes+357,000 Instagram Likes+25,100 Twitter Likes) * Entity Resources $7.40 (2016 Fourth Quarter Earnings per follower) = 35,509,438,002,792

Order Fulfillment Process

UPS benefits from having a very comprehensive order fulfillment process. More importantly it's technological advances allow it to optimize every aspect of the services they provide. For instance, the order fulfillment process is complex and streamlined at the same time. While the customer is provided with a relatively easy user interface that allows for simple shipping and receiving packages, operations is using complex systems to complete orders. Technologies such as Intermodal Shifting, Package Flow Technologies and ORION, allow UPS to offer unmatched package delivery but more importantly has become the ‘go to’ package to delivery service for a broad spectrum of companies. It is important to highlight here that the “users” of UPS are often companies not individuals. For that reason UPS developed the “UPS ready program” which allows it to widely expand its e-commerce through business to business integration using software technologies


“By the end of 2015, ORION had been implemented into 70% of U.S. routes identified as part of the initial deployment with full employment expected by the end of 2016. When fully deployed to all U.S. routes, we expect to reduce the distance driven by our drivers by 100 million miles annually and achieve a 100,000 metric ton reduction in CO2 emissions. That is equivalent to taking 21,000 passenger cars off the road for a year, according to the EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator.” (

Intermodal shifting is another crucial aspect of UPS technology that gives it an edge over competition. It simply automatically selects the best mode of transportation for packages be it rail, ground or air in order to optimize costs and meet delivery times.

Along with ‘greener’ warehouse facilities that seek to employ solar panel technologies and reduce energy consumption, or its DIAD hand-held device hardware system, all the aforementioned technologies enable UPS to offer its software system to companies as their one-stop order fulfillment service. In other words what UPS seeks to do for companies is optimize and or manage their supply chain system. It's almost like outsourcing the whole order fulfillment process to the company that does it best, for UPS that's called the “UPS Ready Program”.


First Disruptive Force: Internet of Things
- Devices from the UPS Hubs and Centers are getting connected to customers devices where customers no longer have to manually check the website to receive updates on packages but instead receive notices from the app.
Second Disruptive Force: Self-Driving Cars
- UPS has now applied new trucks and methods like not turning left to save diesel expenses and reduced idling by 50 gallons per driver.

Third Disruptive Force: 3D Printing
UPS has launched on-demand 3D services in the summer of 2016.

Data Centers

UPS has two main data center in the United States which are the Ramapo Ridge Data Center in Mahwah, NJ and Windward Data Center in Atlanta, GA. Both data centers are of great value estimating in $190 million for Ramapo Ridge and $55 million for the Windward Data Center. Like other data centers, there are also advantages that these facilities hold like the Windward Data Center having the ability to self-generate power and have dual paths for electric and chilled water. When it comes to the system these data center has, the Ramapo Ridge Data Center has a system of 700/850/1900/2100 MHz optical DAS network with mix of direct feed and off-air repeaters. A great detail to add-on with these data centers is that UPS also offers servers during times when all of the serves aren’t being used.
UPS Cloud

UPS’s cloud platform is located inside and is called Order Water. This cloud not only applies to only UPS and their many facilities and warehouses but also outside vendors that have partnered with UPS so they cloud all have access. This is a move UPS has been moving towards that instead of having only data pertain to it, it chooses to help align itself with their partners so UPS can more efficiently collaborate with international suppliers and better manage their inbound supply chains. The question of silos might come about since I mentioned that UPS is moving towards a direction of sharing not only with the different departments of their organization but also with outside companies that they partner with. I believe this is answered by the move that UPS is already making to avoid the danger of having data isolated.

Business Strategy

Five Force Model

Threat of existing rivals (Medium): The threat of existing rivals to UPS is medium. There are companies that are already established and compete with UPS like FedEx, DHL Express, USPS, and Schenker AG.

Bargaining power of customers (Medium): It’s hard to determine the force strength of the customers’ bargaining power because although there are options, that would make it hard for UPS to do something like increase prices and expect no change in customer demand, UPS provides great customer service that would make it hard for customers to pick another option like USPS.

Bargaining power of suppliers (High): The reason is this high is because the suppliers like UPS can control the prices of how much they would do the services for.

Threat of Substations (Low): Besides shipping through UPS, all other substitutions would not be able to meet the expectations that UPS already comes with. The internet might be a substitute to certain things like letters but there will always be the danger of privacy being violated. If a customer wanted his package delivered outside the US, the customer would have to pay a lot of money because it would only be for one package. Unlike UPS, which fully utilizes the space in their air carriers.

Threat of new entrants (Low): Companies like UPS are too difficult to compete with because companies would legitimately have to have a lot of capital and somehow increase a customer loyal base as big as UPS. The brand name of a new company has to work hard to be a big as UPS’s brand name. Along with the growth it would need to compete not only to the US but also out to other countries.

Competitive Strategy

UPS competitive strategy is better service across the industry. It's a constant battle between UPS and their rivals so to be different from the best of the competitors, UPS focuses on providing the best service to everyone that uses their service across the industry.

Information System

Our information system helps with us delivering to our customers on time. Devices from the UPS Hubs and Centers are becoming increasingly connected to customer’s devices where customers no longer have to manually check the website to receive updates on packages but instead receive notices from the app.
UPS benefits from having a very comprehensive order fulfillment process. More importantly it's technological advances allow it to optimize every aspect of the services they provide.


In 1907, two teenage entrepreneurs created what would become the world's largest package delivery service. Starting in a Seattle basement with a $100 loan, Claude Ryan and Jim Casey opened the American Messenger Company. With telephones and automobiles scarce, the company fulfilled a range of tasks, from running errands and carrying notes on foot or on bicycle, to making home deliveries for drugstore customers. Their fledgling business entered a competitive marketplace, facing numerous firms that also specialized in message and parcel 1913 the American Messenger Company shifted its focus to delivering packages from grocery and drug stores to customers' homes. The company's name changed to Merchants Parcel Delivery, highlighting its new mission.In 1919, the company made its first expansion beyond Seattle to Oakland, California, where the name United Parcel Service debuted. "United" reflected the company's consolidated shipments, while "Parcel" indicated the kinds of deliveries the company made, and "Service,"The 1920s marked a period of technological and service innovation. A major new development occurred in 1924, when the company introduced an innovative conveyor belt system used for package handling. Then in 1929, UPS began to offer air service through private airlines.UPS grew throughout the 1930s and early 1940s by acquiring delivery responsibilities for department stores in Chicago, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, and Philadelphia. PS increased its reach in the mid-1970s by growing internationally and at home. In 1975, the corporate headquarters moved from New York City to Greenwich, Connecticut. That same year, UPS went abroad for the first time when it began offering services in Toronto, Canada. The following year saw the start of operations in Germany. Over the next decade, UPS expanded its service throughout the Americas and Europe. After purchasing IML, a British document and parcel delivery company, in 1989, UPS extended service to the Middle East, Africa, and the Pacific Rim.In 1992, UPS began tracking all ground shipments electronically. In 1994, debuted, and provided the perfect interface to make what was primarily internal operational information available for customer access. n September, 2010 UPS launched a new brand platform to promote the company's expanded logistics and supply chain management capabilities.Since becoming a publicly traded company in 1999, UPS has significantly expanded the scope of its capabilities primarily through the acquisition of more than 40 companies, including industry leaders in trucking and air freight, retail shipping and business services, customs brokerage, finance and international trade services. As a result, UPS's relationship with many of its customers has deepened to include much more than basic transportation services.